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A Prayer for a Balanced Christian Life

Father, I’m not really sure where I am exactly in relationship to the Calm, Confident, Compassionate life you desire for me. I never thought about it like this before. However, I do know where I want to be.

I choose to continue to grow to a place where I am truly concerned about what is going on around me, but not so concerned that I need my eternal circumstances to provide my inner peace.  There are some things I have grown cold towards or stopped caring about – help me to see with Your eyes.

I also pray for my own continued growth in understanding who I am in You.  Teach me about yourself, so that as I come to know you better I also come to know who I am in you. Make me stand with Confidence in You and temper my ego to keep me from pride.  Where I am timid remind me of the Power you have placed in me.

Finally, the deepest part of me truly wants to love others. I am open to learning and growing in loving others without feeling bitter or needing them to love me back.  Teach me this love you have, that places no demands on others, that has no conditions for them to be loved, that needs nothing in return.  Bring me to a place where I can even love my enemies.  Show me how this loving others in and of itself makes me full and complete.

I trust you Lord in faith, for all of this.  My hope in you is making me confident.  My heart is opening and becoming vulnerable so that I may love them as You love them.

I see this now in my mind, coming to life in me.  As you once shook the world, so now shake me so the Gospel would ring out through my life.  Touch my heart in the hardened places to make it soft towards others.

In Jesus Name

A response to June 19, 2016 message by Dr. Bill Smith

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