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Encouragement from Converge Worldwide president Scott Ridout

Response to Mass Shooting – June 2016

God is bigger than any circumstances we could possibly face in this life, so live courageously. The world is not as it should be. This incident is another proof of that. Sin is rampant. Evil is real. Yet God is sovereign. Jesus told us that we would have trouble in this world but we should not become a people of fear. “Take courage,” he said, “for I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Knowing God’s power and wisdom are in play, we must choose not to be a people of fear, but a people of faith.

Every person is valuable to God and therefore should be valuable to us, so live compassionately. Paul tells us in Romans 12 to “Weep with those who weep.” In 1 Tim. 2 he tells us to “pray for those in authority.” Rather than joining the barrage of conversation on social media, I ask that you take an hour and pray for all involved–weep over the loss of life, grieve with those who lost loves ones, mourn over the sinfulness of our world and pray for wisdom for our leaders.

God designed the church to shine in crisis, so live intentionally. In Matthew 5, Jesus describes the church as a “city on a hill” and tells us “let your light shine in such a way that people see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven.” Don’t give in to cynicism or fear, do something. Pray. Give blood. Speak words of comfort. Reach across the divide of sexual orientation and religion with the grace and mercy of Christ. Become a part of the solution. Be the church.

Jesus Christ is the hope of the world, so live hopefully. What the world needs more than anything in this moment is not more politics, posturing or pledges. What the world needs is more Jesus. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (John.14:6). Remind yourself and others of his love, power, comfort, strength, wisdom, mercy and peace, and let other see these qualities of Christ in you. In doing so, your witness will be the remedy this world needs. Together, God will help us leverage this tragic moment to advance his purposes and greatness in this world.

I ask you to pray with me for the comfort of those who lost loved ones, the healing of the wounded, the wisdom of the authorities to uncover the facts and the discernment of local leadership to lead well. Pray God will provide peace and unity and many would come to him. Most of all, pray the church displays unity, compassion and hope of God to all the people of the Orlando community, throughout our country and around the world.

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