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“Following in His Footsteps” Advent Reflection 2016, 2nd Sunday

 2nd Sunday of Advent

Light in the Darkness

“The people who walk in darkness will see a great light; those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them.” Isaiah 9:2

The trouble with darkness is that you are robbed of your ability to see clearly.  It is a challenge to avoid obstacles and identify the things you are looking for.  This is life for the more than 40 millions Americans who are blind.

Isaiah wrote this prophecy about 800 years before the birth of Christ. At the time of Isaiah’s writing, the nation of Israel had allowed itself to become heavily influenced by its pagan neighbors. They had turned to worship false gods instead of the one true God.  It was a very “dark” time in Israel’s history.

But now Isaiah promises a “great light.”  This declaration told Israel that God was not finished with them yet.  He was going to bring Israel back to himself through the person of Jesus, the Messiah.  When Jesus burst onto the scene, his presence was an unmistakable light.  He brought hope for the destitute, freedom for the captives, and sight for the blind. Of all of the miracles recorded in the Bible, Jesus is the only one who made the blind see and fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 61.

Spiritual blindness is still the problem for many of the people we see as we go about our day.  Paul wrote, “the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ.”

God wants to use us to reflect his light to those around us.  Jesus said, “You are light of the world…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

In this advent season, take the time to show the love of God to others in practical ways and give him the credit.  Just a simple statement, “I am just passing on the love that God has shown me,” or “I am doing this in the name of Jesus Christ, or “I happy to do this because Jesus changed my life.”

God can take any light and shine it deep into a heart struggling in the darkness.


Written by Julie Coleman, NHC teaching leader, author and conference speaker

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