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“Following in His Footsteps” Advent Reflections 2016

1st  Sunday of Advent 

“The Glory of God”

As we begin this advent season, we’re going to spend a few minutes each week focusing on one aspect of Jesus, and how we can follow in His footsteps. Today we’re looking at Hebrews 1:3, which tells us that Jesus is “the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His nature.”

We first see God’s glory mentioned in Exodus, when the people of Israel were complaining. Moses called the whole congregation to come before the Lord. And as Aaron spoke to them, the glory of the Lord suddenly appeared in a cloud. At the sight, all the grumbling came to an abrupt halt. They saw it again a few chapters later, when Mount Sinai was “ablaze” with God’s glory, like a “consuming fire”. The sight was so terrifying, the people asked Moses to speak to God for them, so they wouldn’t have to come near Him themselves.

In the New Testament, John wrote about Jesus: “We saw His glory—the glory of the One and only, full of grace and truth, who came from the Father.”

Rather than a blazing mountain or a burst of light from behind a cloud, did you catch how John described Jesus’ glory? Full of grace and truth.

Jesus displayed the glory of God, but it was a glory that did not inspire men to keep their distance. Instead, this time, His glory beckoned men, women, and children to draw near to Him. He offered grace. He spoke the truth. And people followed Him.

As we walk in His footsteps, we, too, will reflect God’s glory. We were created to do just that! Like Jesus, our reflection should draw others to Him. When we act in love, offer grace rather than judgment, or forgive freely when we are offended, His reflection shines brightly to a world living in darkness.

So as we light the first candle of advent, remember the light of Jesus’ glory. And resolve to reflect Christ in you, with a glory that will draw people to God. It’s one way we can walk in His footsteps.


Written by a NHC teaching leader, author and speaker, Julie Coleman


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