2012 Pastor’s Annual Report

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

When I think about the opportunity I have to work alongside you at New Hope Chapel, I am so humbled. Every day, every week, I am blessed by your kindness, your generosity, the way that you care for, pray for, and honor me. I am undeserving, and at the same time, I am extremely grateful. You have made this first year as pastor a joy for me. I can’t tell you how much I enjoy serving the Lord in ministry together with you.

What I have long treasured about New Hope Chapel is that we try to provide a place for people to fulfill their calling, and when there’s something that needs to be done, so many people rise to the occasion. I’m so grateful for the teaching team and their willingness to preach the Word of God, the many who work in the children’s ministry, the doorkeepers that faithfully welcome people into the church, the worship team, the Sunday School teachers, the people who set up refreshments, and clean up. It’s so good.

Specifically a number of exciting things happened this year, which I would like to highlight (forgive me if I miss any):
We baptized three people: Brian Creque, Peyton Creque, and Annalía Hibbard.
We welcomed new babies into our church family and dedicated many.
We welcomed new members: Kristin Bloom, Melanie Coleman, Andrea Hurt, and James Suttles.
We welcomed a number of new families into our church.
We saw a great increase in our major events like the Carnival and Easter Party.
Joe Nebbia joined the Elders.
Melanie Coleman stepped up to be the worship team leader.
Scott Schuler began a Wednesday night prayer ministry.
Adella and Brian Creque began leading an additional adult Sunday School class.
Meredith Bohannon began editing our podcasts and helping with the website.
James Suttles organized a men’s retreat weekend.
Melanie Coleman began a women’s small group-fellowship ministry.
Don Cruse led the children’s class renovations.
Bill Smith led a Parenting with the Mind of Christ seminar.
Others have joined ministries such as the Worship Team and Children’s Ministry.
We began the initial stages of new Constitution and By-Law drafts.
We began the initial stages of further marketing and outreach.

Last year, around this time, we talked about having necessary repairs done to our roof. We knew it was going to cost a small fortune and figured we might have to dip into our reserves. Then a local believer named Jay Killian approached us and talked about his vision for a ministry called Roofers on a Mission. For only the cost of parts and limited labor, Jay, his son Billy, and a couple of others rebuilt our roof for a fraction of what we had budgeted. God always finds that way to surprise us with His amazing faithfulness.

I also want to personally thank two people, among many, who deserve recognition: Barbara Markham is one of the hardest working people I know. She is so faithful, and she is such a huge blessing to New Hope Chapel as our secretary. She consistently goes above and beyond, she stays on top of business, and consistently follows through. If you get the chance, please thank her for her continual service and hard work.

Steve Coleman has served as Chairman for the Elders for the past year and a half. Steve has so many gifts that I admire. He is an administrator and despite the pressures of his own job, he is constantly working for the church. He has overseen so many projects and done an excellent job at helping the Elders stay organized, efficient, and moving the church to a more structured organization.

Then there are the many things that go on behind the scenes. I love it when I hear people planning to go to lunch after church or groups getting together to hang out or see a movie. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to visit someone in the hospital or nursing home, and I’m not the first person there. That makes me so joyful. I truly believe that church isn’t about a single leader – it is about a body of believers with Christ as the Head. You have demonstrated that such an ideal is not an unattainable dream but a living reality.

2012 also marked a financial challenge for us. We appear to be falling behind what we projected for giving; although our giving is still exceeding our expenses. There are a number of matters we would like to pursue in the future, but they will have to remain on hold for the time being. I would ask that you prayerfully consider how you might continue or increase your financial support to the church for the new year.

Let me close with this one thought: Jesus loves you, and it has nothing to do with your performance, your level of involvement, or how much you give to the church. He treasures your heart. He has a mission for your life, an adventure to which He invites you. Being a Christian isn’t about church attendance or involvement. It is about your walk with Jesus and your intimacy with Him. I’ve given you some tangible and identifiable highlights from this year, but the one thing that I cannot measurably give to you (even though it is the most important) is our individual spiritual growth. My question is not what have you done for the Lord this year, but how have you been with Him? Is that an area of growth that has happened for you? Or has it been an area of stagnation or decline?

Despite your answer, let me encourage you that today Jesus is inviting you into a dynamic adventure and journey with Him. Let’s all begin 2013 by turning our hearts to Him, listening to what He says. Invite your life into His.

Thank you so much for allowing me the honor to serve you. I look forward to the new year ahead.

Justin Hibbard