2012 Pastor’s Annual Report

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

When I think about the opportunity I have to work alongside you at New Hope Chapel, I am so humbled. Every day, every week, I am blessed by your kindness, your generosity, the way that you care for, pray for, and honor me. I am undeserving, and at the same time, I am extremely grateful. You have made this first year as pastor a joy for me. I can’t tell you how much I enjoy serving the Lord in ministry together with you.

What I have long treasured about New Hope Chapel is that we try to provide a place for people to fulfill their calling, and when there’s something that needs to be done, so many people rise to the occasion. I’m so grateful for the teaching team and their willingness to preach the Word of God, the many who work in the children’s ministry, the doorkeepers that faithfully welcome people into the church, the worship team, the Sunday School teachers, the people who set up refreshments, and clean up. It’s so good.

Specifically a number of exciting things happened this year, which I would like to highlight (forgive me if I miss any):
We baptized three people: Brian Creque, Peyton Creque, and Annalía Hibbard.
We welcomed new babies into our church family and dedicated many.
We welcomed new members: Kristin Bloom, Melanie Coleman, Andrea Hurt, and James Suttles.
We welcomed a number of new families into our church.
We saw a great increase in our major events like the Carnival and Easter Party.
Joe Nebbia joined the Elders.
Melanie Coleman stepped up to be the worship team leader.
Scott Schuler began a Wednesday night prayer ministry.
Adella and Brian Creque began leading an additional adult Sunday School class.
Meredith Bohannon began editing our podcasts and helping with the website.
James Suttles organized a men’s retreat weekend.
Melanie Coleman began a women’s small group-fellowship ministry.
Don Cruse led the children’s class renovations.
Bill Smith led a Parenting with the Mind of Christ seminar.
Others have joined ministries such as the Worship Team and Children’s Ministry.
We began the initial stages of new Constitution and By-Law drafts.
We began the initial stages of further marketing and outreach.

Last year, around this time, we talked about having necessary repairs done to our roof. We knew it was going to cost a small fortune and figured we might have to dip into our reserves. Then a local believer named Jay Killian approached us and talked about his vision for a ministry called Roofers on a Mission. For only the cost of parts and limited labor, Jay, his son Billy, and a couple of others rebuilt our roof for a fraction of what we had budgeted. God always finds that way to surprise us with His amazing faithfulness.

I also want to personally thank two people, among many, who deserve recognition: Barbara Markham is one of the hardest working people I know. She is so faithful, and she is such a huge blessing to New Hope Chapel as our secretary. She consistently goes above and beyond, she stays on top of business, and consistently follows through. If you get the chance, please thank her for her continual service and hard work.

Steve Coleman has served as Chairman for the Elders for the past year and a half. Steve has so many gifts that I admire. He is an administrator and despite the pressures of his own job, he is constantly working for the church. He has overseen so many projects and done an excellent job at helping the Elders stay organized, efficient, and moving the church to a more structured organization.

Then there are the many things that go on behind the scenes. I love it when I hear people planning to go to lunch after church or groups getting together to hang out or see a movie. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to visit someone in the hospital or nursing home, and I’m not the first person there. That makes me so joyful. I truly believe that church isn’t about a single leader – it is about a body of believers with Christ as the Head. You have demonstrated that such an ideal is not an unattainable dream but a living reality.

2012 also marked a financial challenge for us. We appear to be falling behind what we projected for giving; although our giving is still exceeding our expenses. There are a number of matters we would like to pursue in the future, but they will have to remain on hold for the time being. I would ask that you prayerfully consider how you might continue or increase your financial support to the church for the new year.

Let me close with this one thought: Jesus loves you, and it has nothing to do with your performance, your level of involvement, or how much you give to the church. He treasures your heart. He has a mission for your life, an adventure to which He invites you. Being a Christian isn’t about church attendance or involvement. It is about your walk with Jesus and your intimacy with Him. I’ve given you some tangible and identifiable highlights from this year, but the one thing that I cannot measurably give to you (even though it is the most important) is our individual spiritual growth. My question is not what have you done for the Lord this year, but how have you been with Him? Is that an area of growth that has happened for you? Or has it been an area of stagnation or decline?

Despite your answer, let me encourage you that today Jesus is inviting you into a dynamic adventure and journey with Him. Let’s all begin 2013 by turning our hearts to Him, listening to what He says. Invite your life into His.

Thank you so much for allowing me the honor to serve you. I look forward to the new year ahead.

Justin Hibbard

Church Outreach Plan

It seems like everyone I talk to loves our church. I’ve heard so many people say, “It’s like I’m home.” It makes me so excited to hear that, because that’s how I feel as well. I’m not just saying that  because I’m the pastor; I really do appreciate what God is doing through us. I echo so many people who have said, “I feel like God’s getting ready to do something big.”  My heart years to see people embrace the goodness of God and take hold of the life that He desires for them.  If our church can be an instrument of that work, then to God be the glory.

Of course, we have a challenge. We’re tucked back in the middle of a neighborhood, where people won’t find us unless they’re really looking for us. I’ve been praying about that for a long time. I would love for people looking for a church home to at least come and give us a visit. I realize we’re not the church for everyone, but maybe someone will be blessed and moved to join us in our journey to be the church God is building.

As I’ve prayed about this, I believe that the Lord has given me some ideas to help us in reaching out to the local communities. Because this plan costs more than our allotted outreach budget, the Elders are bringing this before the members for a vote on Sunday, July 29th immediately following the service. Here is a brief overview of the outreach plan.  Please pray about this and see if this is something you feel the Lord is telling us to do.

1) Signage – about $1000
One easy way to let the neighbors know that we’re here is to put up signs around the neighborhood. These would be signs that would be put up Sunday morning and taken down Sunday after church. We would have one large two-sided vinyl sign on College Parkway in the median at the intersection with Jones Station Rd. (not at the light in front of College Pkwy). We would also like to put up a number of directional signs on Jones Station Rd., especially at the intersection of Mago Vista Rd. Other signs would go up on Broadwater Rd. We have some signs that we’ve used in that past that we can repurpose for this project.

Depending on the money left over from the directional signs, the next priority would be to have some campus signs. This includes a sign on the light post by the stairs to the parking lot and some feather signs. We’d also like to replace our Purpose Driven Church banners with banners that reiterate Jesus’ mission statements (John 10:10, Luke 19:10, Luke 4:18).

2)  Direct Mailing – about $850
Since summer is generally a time where people move, we want to target new families in our area beginning in September with direct mail.  This would involve getting the names and addresses of new families in  zip codes 21122, 21146, 21012, 21409, 21401.  In the mailing would be a brochure and a letter.  The brochure is something that would be created in-house, and something we could also use for people visiting our congregation.  The cost for the mailing would be the fee for getting the names and addresses, the cost for printing the brochure, and postage.

3) Facebook Cost-Per-Click – about $900
Facebook ads appear on the side of everyone’s Facebook page.  These work by Facebook using the information individuals put in their profile, status updates, and page likes.  It then uses this information by targeting ads that would pertain to the individual (location, age, gender, interests, work, etc.).  Because of this, we can target very specific people with ads.

The way cost-per-click works is we would bid for the ad space based on what we’re willing to pay if someone clicks on the ad.  There’s a lot of guess work, and it may take some adjusting.  If we bid too low, then our ad may not appear at all.  However, we pay only when someone clicks on the link (which would take us to our website).  We would set the maximum amount per day that we’re willing to pay.  After that money is used, the ad would no longer appear that day.

Judging by Facebook’s suggestions for our particular market, we should bid somewhere around $.80 – $1.00/click.  I think we should set a maximum of $10/day.  If we hit that maximum every day, that would be $300/month.  I propose we give this a shot for 3 months and make adjustments along the way.  We may use all the money here, or it’s quite possible we may not.   It all depends on a variety of factors.

We are going to judge the effectiveness of this plan by new visitors to the church.  We are going to emphasize filling out the visitor card and especially telling us how they heard about the church.  Everyone can help us with this by talking with visitors and telling one of the leaders about the new visitor and how they found out about the church (in case we don’t get a chance to talk with them).  Hopefully, they’ll come back and become a regular part of our fellowship.

Because of our analytics technology, we’re able to track visitors to our website.  We can tell where they’re coming from, their IP address (which will give us a rough mailing address), and we can send follow up mail to them as well.

Next Steps
The total estimate for this plan is $2750 with the goal to get moving on this project right away.  Our hope is to have everything in place at the beginning of September.  The Elders are in support of this plan and are proposing this to the church members for a vote.  The vote will take place on Sunday, July 29th immediately following the service.

Unfortunately, I will not be there this Sunday, so please email me if you have any questions.


Elder Recommendation of Joe Nebbia

Through prayerful consideration, the Elders have made a recommendation to add Joe Nebbia to the Board of Elders. A special meeting for confirmation has been scheduled for Sunday, May 27 immediately after the 11:00 AM service.
Voting members should plan to attend this special meeting.

If you cannot attend, you may send your vote via email to vote@newhopechapel.org. You will receive confirmation of receiving your vote.

There will be a question and answer session for those interested at 10:00 AM, May 27 in Grand Central. You may also send your questions to vote@newhopechapel.org and one of the Elders will respond.

Justin Hibbard Announced as New Pastor

On Sunday, November 20th, the Elders announced that Justin Hibbard has been unanimously selected as New Hope Chapel’s Pastor, following a congregational vote and recommendations from the Search Committee and Elders.

Click to listen to the November 6th Q&A session.

To see Justin Hibbard’s bio, check out our Leadership page.




Position of Pastor Description
Revised 10/29/11

1. Hours
Part-time, approximately twenty hours per week

2. Duties
The Pastor will take a leading role in the major functions of the church: prayer, worship,
teaching, training/equipping, building community, outreach, and program administration.
The incumbent will also be a member of the Board of Elders, the church liaison to
Converge Worldwide, and the “face” of the church to the public. He will be accountable
to the elders for the following specific responsibilities:

  • Prayer – Sets an example of personal holiness and devotion to prayer.
  • Worship – Works with the elders to cultivate an atmosphere of worship within the congregation. Oversees the Worship Team and frequently leads worship so that Sunday morning services are well-prepared, focus on the Lord, and have minimal distractions.  Responsible for the monthly communion service.
  • Bible Teaching – Responsible to preach a significant number of Sunday messages each year. Works with the elders to plan the entire program of Sunday messages and other teaching venues (small groups, published articles, etc.) to ensure teaching is clear, biblical, and appropriate to congregation needs.
  • Discipleship/Building Community – Meets with individuals and families to encourage them in their spiritual growth and in connecting with other believers.
  • Outreach – Promotes the outreach programs of the church including missions and local activities.  Encourages the congregation to welcome and assimilate new attendees.
  • Administration – Gives leadership to the programs of the church. Stays in communication with program leaders and provides support to them. Supervises other pastoral and non-pastoral church staff and ensures they fulfill the requirements of their jobs.

3. Support
Annual support will be set at $25k

The Power of Prayer

Author, speaker, and teacher Julie Coleman will present a 3 part series in January entitled:
The Power of Prayer
“Prayer changes things.” The old saying is true. But prayer changes more than our circumstances. The act of prayer transforms the one doing the praying as well. Come and discover how approaching the Throne of God can radically change your relationship with Him.
January 9: It’s All About the Relationship
January 23: You’ll Never Be the Same
January 30: Trading Our Will for His

Church Vision Update from Justin Hibbard

Dear New Hope Chapel family and friends,

My role in the congregation
I wanted to take a moment and tell you about the vision and plans of the Elders in moving ahead, so you can get a sense of where we are going.  When we learned of Gary’s leaving, the Elders decided not to pursue bringing in an interim pastor during the transition.  Generally, interim pastors have a special gift.  They know that their calling is to serve for a couple of years or however long it takes for the church to find a pastor and then move on once that happens.  Our feeling is that New Hope Chapel is a very unique place with a very unique culture.  Sometimes bringing in an interim pastor is fruitful, sometimes it is not.  Instead, I was sensing God was calling me to step up more, and so I shared with the Elders my willingness to take on more responsibility during this transitional time.  As Bruce mentioned Sunday, my role from “Worship Pastor” is changing, at least during this transitional time.

Plan for the Elders
Around the same time, what became very clear to us as a Leadership Team was that our focus needed to change.  Because of some of the transitions in the church over the years, the Leadership Team was sort of like a Deacon/Trustee/Elder/Visionary board, and often times, we focused more on the maintenance needs of the church than the pastoring needs of the flock.  Much of that was because we had a pastor who was our primary shepherd.  But with him gone, we knew that we needed to change from being this broadly focused group of leaders to being Elders, specifically focused on the vision and ministry of the church and the congregation.  In one sense, titles aren’t important.  We certainly aren’t looking for the title of Elder as some sort of prestige status symbol.  But in another sense, titles define and often limit a person’s understanding of responsibility.  Many of the people serving on the Leadership Team were brought on for a specific role such as finance officer.  When I was hired, I was told my job as a Worship Pastor was to lead the worship team and lead or train others to lead the worship.   But when we realized the important need for pastoring the flock, we knew we needed to get in line with what the Bible teaches regarding Elders.  As an interesting side note, the Bible doesn’t make a distinction between Elders, Pastors and Overseers.  Those words are used interchangeably depending on what translation you are reading.  We realized that we were not a flock without a shepherd.  We were a flock with a group of shepherds who needed to focus more on shepherding the flock than hammering the pen and putting oil on the gate. Sunday, the membership voted to confirm that.

Last week, we began implementing a shepherding or family care model.  In this plan, each Elder is assigned to shepherd and pastor specific families.  Our desire in this plan was to make sure everyone’s needs are met and that no one in our church slips through the cracks.  When someone is sick, we need to be there for them.  When someone has a need, we need to address it.  It may be the case that it will get the attention of more than one Elder.  That’s great.  Our concern was that at least one of us was there ministering to each person’s needs, and we felt dividing the congregation up and giving people specific families would ensure that no one slipped out of the cracks.  Suddenly, we are seeing that God does not just have one pastor for our church but five.  Though all five of us have full time jobs and other commitments, we will be holding each other accountable to make sure that we are ministering to all of you and taking the time to do that each week.

Future Decisions: Deacons & Membership
With that being said, we have some decisions to make in the near future.  For one, we are going to be looking at bringing in a group of deacons who can take leadership of some of the other areas of the church so that we can focus on ministering to the body.  This was the intention of Deacons to begin with, and it will free our meetings up to talk about the vision and direction of the church and free up our time to meet with the congregation throughout the week.

Secondly, another area that we will be discussing is membership.  Membership has never been something we put a lot of emphasis on.  I’ve had some conversations with people who have wanted to become members but didn’t know that process.  The truth is that we need to make a process that is clear and available to anyone who would like to be members.  We generally only have one meeting a year where members need to vote on the budget.  However, we know that during this time of transition, we’re going to be making more decisions and are going to need members to vote.  In one sense, it’s a legal requirement.  On the other sense, it’s an opportunity for people to commit to each other in a covenant relationship – sort of on the lines of what I talked about Sunday.

Plan for Sunday Mornings
Let me address the plan for Sunday mornings.  In the past, there were three different ministries that were not always in sync with each other.  Karl and others would get up and do the opening message, I would lead worship, and Gary would speak.  There were a few times where things coordinated well, but most of the time they were like three separate entities.  In July, I sat down with Steve and Julie, and I said, “Let’s plan out the next six months and let’s come up with a plan that meets the needs of our congregation.”  We decided that we would work ahead and be very intentional about the message and work everything around that message – the opening, the music, and now even the adult Sunday school is discussing the themes and Scripture from the previous week.  First, we feel that this brings continuity to the congregation and a clear vision.  Secondly, we didn’t want to switch speakers every week along with bringing in a hodgepodge of outsiders.  We felt that this is not effective for speakers and the congregation and was not effective last year during Gary’s sabbatical.  Thirdly, we don’t believe that the sermon is this 30 minutes chunk of time that has to necessarily be filled by someone random that has a random sermon in his back pocket.  Rather it is a time for purposefully sharing the heart of God, with a purposeful message from the Lord, purposefully aimed for the congregation that is New Hope Chapel.  We also feel that there may be Sundays where we would like to devote more of that time to corporate prayer, rather than necessarily having a sermon.

We are blessed by people in the congregation who have the gift of preaching and teaching.  I know for myself and these others, we thrive on opportunities to share God’s Word.   So many churches freak out during times without their pastor because they don’t have people with that gift.  In fact, the church I used to pastor didn’t care what I did during the week as long as I preached each weekend.  We, on the other hand, are different.  We have many who are able to share God’s Word, and we also feel that breaking up the responsibilities by series rather than by Sunday, allows a person to plan and share more effectively and in a more coherent fashion.  It also keeps us from getting overworked and burned out.  I have so much enjoyed preaching this series on Joshua, and I delight in the fact that others are stepping up to preach and teach, so I can have time to focus on ministering to the congregation and prepare for the next series.

Some upcoming focuses of our church:
Oct. – Timothy – Individual Leadership – 2 weeks – Steve Coleman
Oct-Nov – Getting Rid of Guilt – 4 weeks – Julie Coleman
Nov-Dec – The 7 I AM Statements of Jesus from the Book of John – 7 weeks – Various speakers
Jan – Prayer – 4 weeks – Julie Coleman

Christianity is Jewish & Jewish Focus
We will continue to highlight our Jewish roots, just as we had the Sukkot out on Sunday.  This will be done more in the opening devotional as well as the music, rather than necessarily being the focus of the main message that day.  We will be making some decisions regarding Christianity is Jewish in the upcoming months.  But we still see this as our ministry and are not abandoning it, though we have put the radio spots on hold for the time being.

New Look to the Website – www.newhopechapel.org
I’ve been working on a giving a new face to the website – something that will be better suited for us and something that is a new beginning for us – as we venture in this new beginning.  Hopefully you will find it informative and easy to navigate.  I am continuing to put stuff up there, so it’s not a finished product by any means.  We’ll also be posting information regarding the search committee and the process.  Chuck Markham has volunteered to take on some of the responsibility of keeping the website up to date, and so this is an awesome blessing to me, so that I can focus on some other things.

The Road Ahead
I have been so blessed to stand up on Sunday morning and see the faces of the congregation.  On August 29th, the first Sunday Gary was gone, I thought, “I wonder if anyone will show up.”  I am honored and humbled to be in such a loving and caring family.  You all bless me tremendously.  We aren’t a mega church, we don’t have a huge complex, and we don’t have hundreds of things you can do for entertainment.  But what we do have is a family. a precious ministry, and a needy community… and there’s a lot of work… and a lot of blessing ahead.

Your servant in Christ,