Circumcision of the Heart

One of the first things the Israelites did in the new land was that the men were circumcised.  This was a requirement in the Abrahamic Covenant.  However, it was one of those Laws that got forgotten or put aside.  What is remarkable about this action is that the Jewish people are so dedicated to the work of the Lord in the Promised Land, that they adhere to God’s ordinances – even though it was a painful process.  They are demonstrating that in this new land, they will begin a new era of obedience to the Lord.

There is another type of circumcision that we ought to be about as Believers and followers of the Lord.  In Deuteronomy 10:16, Jeremiah 4:4, and Romans 2:29, we are told to be circumcised of the heart.  The Jewish men cut off a part of their natural self that they shared in common with all men so that they might be set apart.  In the same way, there are sinful areas of our lives – our carnal nature – that we share with humankind, that needs to be cut off that we might be identified as a devoted man or woman of God.

When we cross over from wandering to promise – when we make that commitment to follow Jesus, then we ought to do as the Jewish people did and cut off the areas of that former lifestyle.  This process called sanctification – being more and more holy – more and more set apart, is a lifelong process.  More and more, we want to become like our Master.

Thank the Lord for His example and His holiness.  Thank Him for His mercy.  Ask the Lord if there are areas in your life that are not confirmed to the likeness of Christ.  Ask for the Holy Spirit to bring conviction and courage to help you more and more become like Christ Jesus.