Living Sacrifice Day 16 – What’s In It for Me?

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Begin by reading Revelation 7:9-17

Have you ever been to a worship service and walked out with an amazing spiritual high? I can remember one worship service in particular where afterwards people were crying and hugging each other. It was so moving and profound.

When you think of mountain top experiences in the Bible, what events do you think about? Do you think about Moses’ encounter with God on Mt. Sinai, Elijah hearing the voice of the Lord, David dancing before the Ark of the Covenant, the disciples at the transfiguration? The one I think about as the most profound encounter is the account from today’s reading in Revelation 7.

The other day as I was reading this, I got chills. I think for first time it dawned on me that what John is describing here in Revelation 7 is a worship service that I, a future inhabitant of heaven, am participating in. In a sense, I’m reading about myself in the future. For some reason, I never realized the profundity of it, as I did the other day.

But notice the focus of this passage. There’s a sea of people, all wearing white, all transformed, all bowing before the throne. But every one’s attention is on the Lord. I think if John were to have interviewed one of these redeemed souls, they would not have responded by saying, “this is such a spiritual high for me,” but rather, “worthy is the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world.” It says that day and night they don’t stop worshipping God. It’s like even after a million times of saying the same refrain, they can’t get over how Holy and Awesome God is.

Sometimes when we encounter God, there is an immediate profound effect on our life. However, at other times, we may not immediately sense some emotional or spiritual high. If we think about worship in the Old Testament, we think about those intense moments of worship, but how many times did people like Moses, Elijah, or David spend time worshiping the Lord that isn’t recorded in Scripture.

While we ought to be anxious for God to change us, the temptation can be that we worship God, only when we are looking for that mountaintop experience. And when that mountaintop experience doesn’t happen, we may feel like God didn’t show up. At that point, we are not looking at the Throne of God, we are looking inwardly at ourselves. And when we are focusing on ourselves, we will never be at the place God desires.

As Believers, we must not come to God with the attitude of “what will I get out of it?” we must put ourselves wholly into worshiping God, forgetting about what’s in it for us. Our only concern must be that God is getting all the glory. When we do that every day, every hour, every minute of our lives, we will not be anxious over emotional effects. God will have changed us little by little. We will have traveled baby steps down a long road, but at some point, we will look back and see that God has brought us a long way, and we will have no desire to go back.

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