Living Sacrifice Day 28 – Three Gifts

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Begin by reading 1 Corinthians 12:1-11

Playing sports, my father always gave us incentives to do well. Score a goal, and it was a $5 reward. Score another, and it meant $10 on top of the previous $5. If we scored a hat-trick, he gave us $15 more. Three goals earned us $30. I think if I had understood the value of money, I would have tried a lot harder to get those three goals.

Depending on your job, you may have experienced merit or incentive pay. First, you may have received a salary based on your experience, education, and expertise. Then, you may be set up to receive bonuses or incentives based on how well you do the job. At the end of the year when you get that raise, you can pat yourself on the back for how well you did. The paycheck proves it.

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, this is very different than how God works. We are told in Romans 12:3-6 that we have been given three gifts. First, we know that we have been given spiritual gifts. These gifts are outlined for us in today’s reading. In 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, we are told three times that it is the Lord who gives us gifts. These are not our personal abilities based on our experience and expertise, these are gifts from the Lord.

How are these gifts distributed? Are they given to you based on your good looks or your height? Nope. They are given in accordance to grace. What is grace? Ephesians 2:7-8 tells us that grace is a gift. It’s not based on who you are or what you’ve accomplished in the past; it’s a gift. So, we’re given a gift based on a gift.

And lest we should boast, Paul tells us to think soberly about ourselves in accordance to the measure of faith given to us. What is faith? Faith is also a gift. When Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah in Matthew 16, Jesus says, “Blessed are you Peter, because the Father has revealed this to you.” Not only is grace a gift but so is faith. Basically, Paul is telling us that we’ve received a gift, based on a gift, in a measure that’s also a gift.

So before you boast about what it is you can do, remember, it’s all a gift. There’s really nothing about you to boast about. Secondly, because we’ve been given not just one gift but a whole bunch of them, spend some time today thanking God for what He is doing through you.

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